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Say YES to the adventure of your life

Yesterday I went on a nature walk and that was an adventure for me.

Yes, going outside and spending time walking around was an adventure.

I'll explain.

My partner loves being outside, walking outside or exercise and having the window open.

I love being inside, indoor exercise and having the window closed.

I've been managing an autoimmune condition for many years and some days I can get tired or my body can hurt making long stretches of physical movement difficult

Sometimes getting outside feels like WORK.

When it's work because I'm not feeling well, I definitely practice self-care and give myself rest when I need it.

When it's work because I'm feeling lazy or worried about being uncomfortable I try and work with my mind there.

I often try to reframe these things as an adventure in my life that I want to strive to say yes to.

I did this yesterday while walking with my partner in nature.

It was absolutely wonderful.

He found a hill with a large patch of flowers that I got to take pictures in.

I got some sun which always helps elevate my mood.

I got some movement and exercise.

I had a chance to connect with my partner while he immersed himself in one of his favorite activities.

I wouldn't have been able to have all these wonderful things had I said no.

So today, a reminder.

Say yes to the adventure of being alive.

Say yes to your life.



Women's Mentor @womencanheal


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