Towards the end of 2021, I started visioning out 2022...
I had such wonderful plans.
I had such lofty goals.
The Truth?
2022 was a bust for me (at least when it came to my plans).
After Christmas 2021 was basically canceled for me due to Covid, I proceeded (though I didn’t realize it at the time) to go way into hiding as I faced emotional struggle, after emotional struggle… after emotional struggle.
And I struggled in just about all areas of my life:
my relationship, my family, work, business, money, health…
It felt like 2022 just never gave me a break.
Like it just wouldn’t quit.
I’m happy to say, and so will the people closest to me who witnessed the journey, that I met each struggle, all the fear and all the pain with presence and openness and moved through each one and made it to the other side.
Then in September my 6 year relationship ended suddenly and I was faced with a major change in direction of my life.
It was like the universe had put me on the Spiritual Warriors List and was like...
"Here is your last challenge of the year Michele! Get at girl!"
So, that’s what I did…I got at it.
Now more than three months later there is still so much emotional work to do, grief to process, still so much pain to alchemize and love to feel, still so much there for me…
But life is getting better…
I’m happy, secure, well taken care of, embodied and hopeful for the future.
While the real reward for making it through struggle is a sense of security and inner peace here are just a few external things that came my way:
I doubled my income and bought a car
I grew spiritually and I deepened the meaning I have for life
I was invited to teach inside Dr. Nicole LePera’s (The Holistic Psychologist) membership who is one of my biggest mentors and inspiration
I'm spending the holiday with family like I wanted to last year and it’s nourishing my spirit like nothing I could have imagined
I didn’t drink or pick up any other compulsive or numbing behaviors through it all and celebrated 6 years of continuous sobriety
How does this happen after a year of constant struggle? The answer is, I’ve dedicated myself to a path of emotional embodiment which allows me... 1. to have the skills to be present with all that is (the good, the bad, the ugly) 2. to have the ability to self-regulate via ongoing emotional growth practices and trigger processing during acute times of emotional struggle 3. to clear out what is emotionally stuck to make room for the good that's to come That’s a a lot, I know, but the short of it is I had the tools and practices to do the work. During my time of hiding this year, I pre-recorded several trainings that I uploaded to my digital shop (and basically told no one about lol). Trainings about these very emotional growth tools and emotional embodiment practices. After the workshop I taught inside Nicole’s membership, I remembered how much I LOVE teaching LIVE and…how good I am at them.
I was deeply inspired after teaching my workshop last week and am so excited to continue the good energy and vibes into the new year with a brand new workshop series. Go here to learn all about it and enroll.