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Dear Adult Daughter,

The patterns that kept you safe in childhood are now the ones keeping you stuck in adulthood.

It's time to transform them.


A Journey Home to Your Truest

Most Radiant Self

Set sail on a transformative journey designed for women who grew up in families where survival strategies like people-pleasing, perfectionism and emotional avoidance became second nature. ​


Through the gentle guidance of flower essences and personalized coaching, EMBARK is your invitation to navigate your emotional waters and bloom into your most radiant self.

So, You've Been On a Healing Journey

You’ve been doing “the work.”


You’ve read the books, attended the workshops, maybe even sat on a therapist’s couch or journaled late into the night—but something still feels off.


You’re caught in the same emotional loops and the same relational dynamics.


You’ve tried to transform them, but those damn patterns—people-pleasing, perfectionism, over-giving, over-working, avoiding conflict—sneak back in just when you think you’ve made progress.


And maybe, deep down, you wonder:


“Is this just who I am? Will it always feel this hard?”


If any of this sounds familiar, I want you to know you’re not alone, and more importantly, you don’t have to stay here.

I see you navigating your days in ways that no one else can see and trying to hold it together. It's likely it started a long time ago.


Growing up in an emotionally neglectful or harmful family system teaches you some things. It teaches you to shrink yourself, stay quiet, please everyone, and help everyone to keep the peace. It also teaches you to rely only on yourself, trust no one, hurt or leave others before they can hurt you, or build a life so controlled and successful that no one can see the chaos or cracks underneath.


The crazy thing is, these strategies helped you survive then, but they’re keeping you disconnected now. Disconnected from your emotions, your needs, your life force and your true essence.​


You’ve tried to transform the patterns, but no matter how much progress you made, familiar strategies keep creeping back in, often without you realizing it until it was too late.

I See You.

My Story

Hear my story or

read it below




My childhood was a great in many ways and a struggle in other ways. My parents divorced when I was a baby, and while my dad remained in my life, my mom shouldered the responsibility of raising two daughters. She often became emotionally overwhelmed, and my young nervous system couldn’t handle itTo cope, I developed strategies to escape the emotions I didn’t have the words to name.


At first, it was fantasy: music, television, movies, books, and my own imagination became my refuge, pulling me away from the discomfort of my reality. As a teen, my coping strategies shifted. I developed intense crushes and fixations, a way to redirect my attention from the energy at home to the possibility of something idealized and out of reach. 



When I went to college, drinking became my ultimate strategy. It numbed everything: my body, my emotions, my spirit. It fueled troubled and toxic romantic relationships I couldn’t break free from. For nearly 15 years, I cycled through emotional, physical, and spiritual struggle.


Then came the diagnosis: Lupus, an incurable autoimmune condition of the immune system. You’d think hearing those words would have been my wake-up call, but it wasn’t. I was so disconnected from my reality that I didn’t grasp how serious it was. I took the medication and carried on as though nothing had changed, until my body made it sure I HAD to change.


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For many of us who grew up in dysfunctional families, there isn’t just one rock bottom. There are many. My first rock bottom was my lupus progressing to to my kidneys. In that moment, I began to take my diagnosis seriously. I started to slow down with my drinking and began taking better care of my body. 


​My next rock bottom came on Thanksgiving 2016. I traveled to spend the holiday with family. I'd been making changes to improve my health, and decided before the trip that I wouldn’t drink as an act of staying on track. But after a difficult exchange with a family member, I reached for a drink anyway. I took one sip and set it down. In that moment, realized I didn’t have control over my drinking and that realization scared me. It wasn’t a dramatic rock bottom, but it was a quiet, pivotal moment that changed my whole life.



My first year of not drinking shone a bright light on all the other strategies I'd been using to avoid my emotions: overeating food, not eating enough, shopping, sex, binging TV, falling into social media holes, getting "drunk" on anger and resentments, over-giving and people please, over achieving and over-working and of course provoking conflict in my relationship, and needing to process everything to avoid sitting with my own emotions.


Not drinking to feel was the beginning, but it wasn’t the end of the journey. The real work came in learning to meet myself with compassion instead of judgment, to understand that these strategies were my way of surviving, and to begin integrating the parts of me I had avoided for so long.

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For years, I immersed myself in the world of healing, obsessively trying to “fix” what I thought was broken. Therapy, self-help books, transformational programs, energy work, body work, 12-step recovery—I tried it all. While each brought noticeable moments of relief or progress, I started feeling dependent and out of touch with my identity.


The dependency: If I wasn’t going to 12-step meetings all the time, I worried I’d immediately slide back into the behaviors I was abstaining from. If I stopped paying for body work, I feared the physical pain would return. And if I left the spiritual community I had devoted three years of my life to, I thought I’d be spiritually lost.


The loss of my sense of self: The harder I worked to "heal," the more I suppressed and erased parts of myself and my journey. My healing had become another way to deny the fullness of who I was, to reject the discarded pieces of myself that carried their own wisdom, resilience, and truth.



Everything changed when I started to look at and embrace my whole story. I was a child of divorce. I had complex trauma. I struggled with anxiety and addiction my entire life. I'd done an incredible amount of healing work and didn't know who I was.


My healing shifted away from fixing and became about reclaiming the parts of myself I had cast aside, honoring them as part of my journey, and weaving them back into the whole of who I am.


Flower essences came into my life shortly after this realization and were the perfect compliment to my new approach. The essences didn’t demand more work from me. Instead, they met me where I was, supporting me in releasing old patterns, softening my self-judgment, and connecting to the truth of who I was beneath all the survival strategies.


Coral in Nagoya Aquarium
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I no longer refer to myself as healing. I am integrating. My journey is now about gently dismantling the strategies that no longer serve me and meeting myself with compassion.


​This is why I created EMBARK: to guide women like you, who have lived through the challenges of growing up in dysfunctional families, to release the emotional burdens you’ve been carrying, transform the patterns that keep you stuck, and reconnect with your authentic self.


EMBARK is not about working harder. EMBARK is about listening to yourself, trusting the process, and integrating your growth into a life that feels natural, doable, and deeply meaningful.

This is Your Invitation to Stop Healing and Start Integrating

What if the outcome you've been seeking isn’t about fixing yourself or getting to a finish line?


What if your process wasn’t about becoming someone new, but about uncovering who you’ve been all along? 


What if you just needed a map to journey back home?


Image by Sime Basioli

Introducing EMBARK

A journey that weaves together personalized integration coaching and flower essence therapy to help you integrate your growth and embody your true essence.


In EMBARK you'll learn to:​

Gently release emotional patterns learned in childhood

Integrate emotional healing into your daily life

Do it all in a way that feels doable, natural and meaningful

What people are saying about EMBARK

"I love flowers and felt drawn to explore their healing potential with support from a practitioner, which is why I said yes to EMBARK. Initially, I had doubts about whether or not I would be receptive to the flower essences. However, since completing EMBARK, the mental separation between my spirit and human experience has lessened. The sense of needing to prove my self-worth through great accomplishments has fallen away and been replaced with a delicious sinking into the process of life and enoughness.


I enjoy Michele's energy, presence, and follow-through the most. She beautifully reflected back to me the themes that were coming up, helping me to glean insights and gain perspective. EMBARK provides such a nourishing container and attuned aid in journeying with the subtle energies of flowers. I highly recommend EMBARK to anyone drawn to dive deeper into communing with flowers and opening to their healing allyship because it provides quality facilitation and intentionally handcrafted, custom blends.


Joining EMBARK has been an incredibly enriching experience, offering support and profound healing through the magical world of flowers."

Briana Carper

One: Awakening and Awareness



Recognize survival strategies from childhood that are now holding you back and begin uncovering buried emotions and needs.​


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Two: Building Foundations


This step is about recognizing the ways disconnection manifests in your life and uncovering the desire for meaningful change. It’s the foundation of your journey—acknowledging where you are now and opening the door to a deeper connection with yourself.



  • Establish grounding rituals.

  • Build emotional and spiritual support systems.

  • Create anchors for emotional and spiritual stability.

Image by Armands Brants
Three: Emotional Exploration


Emotional exploration is about safely uncovering and processing feelings that may have been suppressed or ignored. This step allows you to identify recurring emotional patterns, navigate challenging emotions with compassion, and begin releasing self-judgment. By exploring your inner world, you’ll create space for growth and connection.



  • Establish grounding rituals.

  • Build emotional and spiritual support systems.

  • Work with daily reflection practices.

Image by Kristina Delp
Three: Emotional Exploration


Emotional exploration is about safely uncovering and processing feelings that may have been suppressed or ignored. This step allows you to identify recurring emotional patterns, navigate challenging emotions with compassion, and begin releasing self-judgment. By exploring your inner world, you’ll create space for growth and connection.



  • Establish grounding rituals.

  • Build emotional and spiritual support systems.

  • Work with daily reflection practices.

Image by Kristina Delp
Image by Kate Cullen
Image by Anju Ravindranath
Image by Iris Lyu
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What Are Flower Essences?

Plants carry wisdom and bring unique gifts and healing to the world. Flower essences are gentle yet potent herbal remedies that contain the energetic signature of a flower. Flower essences are wonderful companions to transformational work 

You take flower essences into your body through the mouth or skin. Flower essences contain no flavor, fragrance, or physical trace of the plants from which they came. Using the sun to harness the innate life force and vibrational frequencies of these blooming teachers, flower essences offer a unique, gentle and non-invasive approach to deep emotional healing.

Through intentional journeying with these liquid elixirs, you'll gently revitalize your mind, body, and spirit so you can embrace a life of balance, clarity, and alignment like never before.

Image by Camilla Frederiksen


Floral Alchemy Apothecary offers an array of handmade flower essences for you to journey with on your own and if you're looking for some extra holding and support working with the flower remedies you can apply to work with me privately for 6 weeks inside EMBARK.

The Investment

Flexible payment plans are available. If you're not able to start at this investment I invite you to explore the apothecary or the digital shop for offerings that may be more accessible to you at this time.





What's Included

Comprehensive Intake Form to Target Your Area of Growth and Healing and a Call to Go Over Your Desire and Goals for Our Work Together

A Custom Flower Essence Blended with Specific Plant Allies to Support Your Areas of Growth and Healing

3 Private Sessions with Michele So You Feel Held and Guided on Your Journey and Get Any Questions You Have Answered

Comprehensive Integration Form to Anchor Your Experience and a Call to Reflect On and Digest Your Journey and Create Next Steps for Your Continued Growth and Healing

TLDR: EMBARK is a 6-week flower essence mentorship that includes a custom blend mailed to you and 5 calls with me.

Apply to EMBARK
Which days are you available for a follow up call to discuss EMBARK?

Thank you for applying to EMBARK. I'll be in touch soon.💧🌸

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