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7 Things I'm Leaving in 2019

I was scrolling through Bitmoji and I noticed one that caught my eye. It was my Bitmoji holding a trash bag with 2019 written on it. There were flies buzzing around the bag and fumes lifting off it. And my Bitmoji’s face has this sort of “good riddens” look on it. I chuckled to myself at first totally resonating with the sentiment. In years past I’ve rung in the new year from a place of mixed resentment for the experiences of the year and hope for the coming year. Then I started thinking about how much of that has shifted since becoming more engaged with my life. By engaged I mean actively clearing the gunk out that was blocking pathways to love, desire, purpose and personal freedom. As I close the chapter on one of the most wonderful and challenging years of my life I know that I engaged with my life in 2019. There were a lot of ups especially in my relationships, spiritual work and business. There were a lot of downs too in those same areas getting in the trenches with my shadow, deeper levels of defining my worth and having countless opportunities to practice letting go of control experientially.

I can’t look at 2019, with all it’s joys and pain, and label it trash. Every second I am alive is a gift. Every moment there are risks I could be taking, desires to be following and lessons to be learning. I got some good new lessons this year and ones I’ve be taught before for more practice around letting go of shame, judgment, anger, comparing and more. I know there’s so much more to do with these lessons. What I want is to leave them in 2019 as I move into a new year rather than trash and turn my back on them. My intention for 2020 is to simply keep going. I don’t feel the need to set a bunch of huge goals this year. I definitely have a vision and I feel that I am right where I need to be. I’m excited for what’s to come and welcome it. I feel fortified and I feel loved. Happy New Year! Love, Michele Founder of @womencanheal


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