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Single Sessions + Longterm Coaching

For Adult Women ready to untangle the impact of their childhood, receive customized flower essence support and step into a new way of living.

Standing at the Threshold of Change

You’ve spent your childhood years managing, coping, surviving—but as an adult something inside is shifting.

You’re starting to see it clearly: the patterns, the weight you’ve been carrying, the way your childhood still echoes in your relationships, your choices and your sense of self.

You don’t want to keep living in reaction to the past. But where do you begin?

Here. At The Threshold.

This is your moment—the key is turning.

Image by Jorien Loman

Who is an Adult Daughter?

An Adult Daughter is a woman who grew up in a family system that caused some degree of harm, whether overt or subtle.


The term ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences) was coined as part of a study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Kaiser Permanente.


Researchers identified 10 ACEs (difficult events or experiences in childhood and adolescence) that have lasting impacts on those who experience them.

You may have thought that as an adult, you had moved past your ACE(s). But if you're still struggling in your relationships, with self-doubt, or with patterns you can’t seem to break, deep down, you know this isn’t true. That’s because ACEs change you on the inside. They shape how you see yourself, how you relate to others, and how safe or unsafe the world feels to you.

She may have experienced:

Emotional neglect – Her feelings, needs, and experiences were dismissed, minimized, or ignored.

 —Parentification – She had to take on adult responsibilities too soon, often caring for parents or siblings.

Unstable attachment – She struggles with trust, boundaries, or emotional security in relationships.

Perfectionism and over-functioning – She learned that being "good" or "useful" was the only way to receive love.

Chronic self-doubt and guilt – She questions her worth, second-guesses decisions, and feels responsible for others' emotions.

Emotional suppression – She was taught to keep quiet, push through, or never show "too much" emotion.

If you’re shook reading this, I welcome you with open arms.


You are an Adult Daughter, and your experiences are real.


Now, you have an opportunity to change how they shape your future.

Image by Matthew Wiebe

You might...

Realize that your childhood is marked by neglect or dysfunction, and you’re still carrying the impact.

Feel like your emotions, boundaries, or relationships aren’t fully your own—but shaped by old survival patterns.

Keep bumping up against the same struggles you’ve spend years trying to transform—self-doubt, people-pleasing, over-explaining, or shutting down or blowing up when emotions get too big.


Feel exhausted from managing everyone while neglecting yourself.


Be waking up to the truth: You are an adult daughter it’s affecting you more than you ever let yourself admit.

Image by Jamison Riley

What Remains Unseen

From the outside, you may look like you have it all together—capable, responsible, maybe even thriving. Or, perhaps things feel obviously messy right now, unraveling in ways you can’t quite control. Either way, beneath the surface, there’s an unseen experience that needs tending to.

Knowing your survival traits and maladaptive patterns doesn't isn't the hard part. It’s the way they silently shape your present.


It’s how you find yourself saying yes when you mean no, how you struggle to ask for what you need, how the guilt creeps in when you try to take up space.

It’s how you wonder if you’re being too much, too sensitive, too demanding—when all you’re asking for is to feel safe, seen, and supported.

And maybe, worst of all, it’s the voice inside that says: Maybe this is just how it is. Maybe this is just how I am. Maybe it’ll never change.

But you will. Because you’re already here, at the edge of something new.

A New Possibility: Where This Threshold Leads​​


Imagine stepping into a life where your past no longer dictates your present.

What would it be worth to you to...

  • Experience relief from emotional exhaustion and overwhelm.

  • Feel confident in relationships without over-explaining or doubting yourself.

  • Set boundaries without guilt or fear of rejection.

  • Break free from painful patterns in love, work, and friendships.

  • Release the weight of family history without feeling cold or disconnected.

  • Trust your own decisions without constantly seeking outside validation.

  • Navigate hard feelings without spiraling.

  • Heal and integrate without feeling like it’s a full-time job.

You don’t have to keep carrying the weight of the past. The shift begins here.

The Power of Flower Essences in Adult Daughter Work

Some wounds are too deep for words alone. Flower essences are a form of vibrational plant medicine—subtle yet profound. Unlike essential oils or herbal tinctures, they don’t work on the physical body but on the emotional and energetic levels, helping to shift deep-rooted patterns, soften emotional imprints, and restore inner balance. Growing up in an emotionally neglectful or dysfunctional family leaves an imprint—not just in your thoughts, but in your nervous system, your body, and the spaces within you that words alone can’t always reach. This is why I pair flower essences with coaching: Coaching helps you name, process, and integrate the emotional landscape of your experience. Flower essences work beneath the surface, gently dissolving grief, fear, and self-blame, allowing your body and spirit to shift in ways beyond logic or willpower. I customize your flower essence blend based on what you share. I listen for what’s underneath, for the story your energy is telling, for what all of you is calling for. I’ve witnessed the quiet and undeniable power of flower essences in my own life and in the lives of the women I support. They offer something beyond what the mind can rationalize—they help us remember, they help us release, they help us return home to ourselves. And in this work, inside THRESHOLD, they will help you, too.

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Introducing THRESHOLD

Coaching designed for Adult Daughters who are ready to untangle their past, skillfully navigate their emotional world, and take the first step toward a different future.

THRESHOLD can't change the past or erase what happened.

THRESHOLD will hit deeper by helping you:

—Understand your patterns and why they make sense.

—Find clarity on what’s next in your healing journey.

—Start to loosen the grip of childhood conditioning so you can live freely.

—Receive custom flower essence support to reinforce your emotional shifts in a gentle, powerful way.

Who THRESHOLD is for...

  • You’ve started to recognize the long-term effects of growing up in a dysfunctional or emotionally neglectful family.

  • You know you need support, but you’re not sure what that looks like yet.

  • You feel ready to take action, but you need guidance on where to begin.

  • You’re drawn to EMBARK, but you want a place to land before making that commitment.

  • You resonate with the feeling of standing on the edge of change—knowing the tides are turning.

What's Included in a THRESHOLD Single Sessions


🗝️A private 75-minute session to share your story, memories, current experiences, be witnessed, and receive gentle emotional integration coaching.
🗝️ A custom 1 oz flower essence blend, handcrafted just for you, mailed to your door.
🗝️ A session recording + notes, so you can revisit insights and guidance from the session whenever you need them.
🗝️A nurturing, spacious, supportive session to process your emotions and receive personalized care.

If you're interested in longterm coaching submit your application here.

Meet Your Mentor

Hi, I’m Michele, and THRESHOLD was born out of my own awakening as an adult daughter.

I qualify for five out of the ten Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). Growing up, I developed coping strategies to survive—alcohol, fixation on my romantic life, and overachieving became my big three.

For years, I carried the weight of my past without fully realizing how deeply it shaped me. I questioned myself, downplayed my experiences, and convinced myself that what I had been through wasn’t "bad enough" to warrant real healing. But the truth was, it lived in every part of me including my relationships, boundaries, and self-worth.

There was a moment when I couldn’t unsee it anymore and that moment changed everything.

I had to learn how to trust myself, to name what had been unspoken, and to take back my own emotional sovereignty.It wasn’t an easy process, but it led me home to myself in ways I never expected.

THRESHOLD is my invitation to you. If you’re at the edge of something new—ready to turn toward yourself instead of away—I’m here to walk with you. You don’t have to do this alone.

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How It Works

  1. To book a single session follow the button below and choose a time that works for you. Sessions are $199.

  2. We'll meet for a 75-minute private session via Zoom (if local we can discuss the possibility of in-person sessions). You’ll have space to share, and receive coaching and intuitive support.

  3. After the session, you’ll receive your custom flower essence blend, along with a recording and notes.

  4. If you desire ongoing support, you’ll have the option to book follow-up sessions or purchase a package.

  5. If you're interested in longterm coaching please submit your application here.

The List of 10 Adverse Childhood Experiences

 Physical Abuse

 Emotional Abuse

 Sexual Abuse

 Physical Neglect

 Emotional Neglect

 Mental Illness in the Household 

 Mother Treated Violently


 Incarcerated Relative

 Substance Abuse in the Household

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