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an illuminating & liberating emotional embodiment session

Is there an area of your life you're wanting liberation?

​Is it emotional healing?

Chronic physical symptoms?

Confidence, trust and security in your relationships?


Or maybe you’re not sure why you can clearly see your vision for yourself and your life but... can't move toward it.

If you're thinking...

"Yep. That's Me."

...I have something to share that'll help and clarify some things for you (and that's even before you get to my offering down below😉)

When it comes to getting liberated in our lives most people try to focus on changing the external like the place they're living, the job they're in, the relationship they're in, things they're doing and even work really hard to change their mindset and core beliefs - but in many cases, after making all these changes, and all is said and done they still feel stuck.

Why is this?

It's because the root cause of any ongoing stress, anxiety or felt sense of being stuck is not found in the external.


The root cause is an internal disruption or block in your body's energy system.

How can your energy keep you stuck in emotional and physical pain? 

Many experts claim that stress is the primary cause of emotional suffering and physical illness. I believe this too. 


If stress is represented in the body as energetic blockages or resistance, it makes total sense that by clearing the blocks and reducing the resistance (by balancing the body's energy system) we therefore reduce emotional suffering and reduce physical illness. 

You deserve liberation.

When you commit to freeing your energy system of blockages and resistance you'll finally have the internal environment to heal emotionally and physically and embody actions to move forward. So much is possible.


You go from...

being an enemy to being friends with yourself

feeling alone to being connected

self-sabotage to self-support

falsehoods to Truth

harmful to healthy

critical to caring

reactive to responsive

victim to Creator

self-abandonment to self-advocacy

pain to purpose

poison to medicine

confusion to clarity

lost to found

fear to freedom

Emotional Freedom Techniques

When you change your emotional energy you change your life.


My life changed nine years ago when I discovered a revolutionary emotional embodiment practice called Emotional Freedom Techniques. 


"Tapping" or "EFT" for short, involves bringing an issue to mind while gently breathing and tapping on acupuncture points. The most important part of this embodiment practice is affirming your love and acceptance of who you are and where you're at. I've used this practice for almost a decade to release difficult emotions and relieve physical symptoms.

I've also used EFT to improve my performance, increase my capacity to receive and achieve personal successes. Currently, I'm using it to manage chronic physical pain, move through break up grief and expand my business by removing emotional blocks to success.


About Me and My Journey with EFT...

I'm committed to the journey of growth, embodiment and wholeness for women and for the physical and emotional liberation for every person who comes into my space. This is so important to me because I'm committed for those very same things for myself.

I've faced and alchemized a lot of pain in my life. Let me count the ways... I'm a woman. I'm a woman of color. I have an abandonment wound from childhood. I have lived with an autoimmune condition (Lupus) for 14 years that has had long periods of remission and intense periods of activity. I've had my heart broken many times. I've been on a six year (and counting) journey of sobriety - no alcohol or drugs - that has forced me to be present with some painful realities I was avoiding by overusing these substances. Needless to say I am no stranger to feeling stressed and stuck.

I have spent years working on my energy system and seeking out the emotional and physical healing I needed to come back into balance. It hasn't been quick and easy work but the rewards of that work are showing up everyday.

I'd love to offer you the same space and guidance to begin liberating yourself. Read on to learn how we can do this together.​

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What's Included In UNBOUNDED

  • About 30-45 minutes of preliminary work 

  • A 75-minute virtual session that will include:​​

    • Reviewing of Preliminary Work and Intention Setting

    • Gentle Mentorship to Clarify Issues and Intentions

    • Guided Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT/Tapping)

    • Space Holding for Emotional Release

    • Integration and Establishing Next Steps

  • An audio recording of the session

The Investment

"Michele's guidance has been a powerful catalyst for metamorphosis...

I was struggling with a negative power dynamic that brought up a lot of anxiety. Michele helped me understand the underlying patterns and beliefs leading to my response. She provided powerful tools and exercises to help me reframe and respond in a way that helped me regain equilibrium and disconnect from negative though patterns.

We also worked together on self-love and body acceptance – an issue that I know everyone struggles with. While I have done a lot of work on these topics the last few years, I haven’t worn shorts in nearly 25 years because of a large scar on my leg. Michele helped me uncover the underlying emotions behind my fears so I could reclaim love for my whole self.

Michele creates a space for vulnerability and she has the powerful ability to see beyond your words and help you find deeper truth. She draws on her extensive experience to bring frameworks and exercises to take your growth beyond the private session and into the real world."





  • Do I have to finish the course in a certain time period?
    Yes and no. While this program is designed to be completed over six week (one session per week) it is not a requirement. Once you register for the program you’ll have lifetime access to the Emotional Mastery material so you are free to design your own schedule and go at your own pace if you so choose. All of the videos, digital workbooks and bonuses are yours to keep forever so please take as long as you like to work through the material if you want to.
  • So, is this course like therapy?
    No. This is an educational course. While I do have a Psychology Degree and Masters of Education, I am not a licensed mental health professional and I do not provide psychotherapy, counseling, or any other mental health services that would require a license. What I provide in this course is education, training and access to coaching and Q&A videos about dating, relationships, healing and personal growth that all have the potential for substantial learning and life transformation.
  • I am working with a therapist already. Is it ok to take a course like this?​
    ABSOLUTELY! And… I would mention it to your therapist. Here are my thoughts. Working with both a therapist and taking a transformational course like this can be a wonderful and complementary experience. In therapy, you get to look at every part of yourself that has shaped you into the person you are. With an online course like Date With Depth, created by a certified coach, you’ll get to look at who you are right now AND who you want to be. Having both a therapist and course like this can support each other as knowing how you came to be where you are will often help you become the person you want to be.
  • Is this course LGBTQ friendly and inclusive of diverse relationship models?
    Sure is! As the guide for this program, I’m in a heterosexual coupleship and use personal stories to teach the content inside Date With Depth. The course is not gender specific or oriented toward any specific sexual orientation. I welcome any feedback that will help make this program more inclusive as you go through the program.
  • What if I need more support? Is this program available with coaching?
    Yes! Inside the course portal I share more information about how to get private coaching support while taking this course.

Apply for an UNBOUNDED Session

Note: You'll have the option to make a one-time payment or enroll in a payment plan at check out

This session is an
investment in yourself...

This UNBOUNDED is FOR you if...


✅ you're committed to your health, happiness and healing

✅ you understand financial and emotional investments can be hard but are a part of growth and change


✅ you're ready to take both your emotional growth and healing work to the next level


✅ you want to stop carrying around pain, fear, stress and uncertainty and turn  it into peace, harmony, hope and purpose

✅ you desire freedom and liberation


This UNBOUNDED is NOT FOR you if...


❌ you're non-committal and unwilling to take action

❌ you're closed off to new ideas and perspectives that could help you


❌ you blame all your life struggles on external factors and looking for a place to vent

❌ you have deep unprocessed trauma that would be best addressed with a licensed professional


❌ you have trouble getting honest and going inward


Please take a moment to fill out the form.

Thanks for applying!

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