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A Women Can Heal Training

How to Make 
Online Dating 
Work For You

Not Against You

Do you ever ask yourself, "If online dating has worked for millions why hasn't it work for me yet?"

We live in a time where virtually anything can happen online.

From ordering food, to shopping, to studying and even dating.


Online dating has been around for a long time and there’s a very good chance you’ve tried it at some point of your life.


The thing about online dating is, it seems to work so well for some, but not so much for others. It can feel like no matter what you do, how much you swipe or put yourself out there, nothing works to find a decent person you vibe with who you can start a relationship with. It can all feel like the odds are against you.


Thankfully, there are things you can do to completely shift your online dating experience from negative to positive and make it work FOR you. No matter what your love life has been like, it can completely change in this moment and you have all the power to do it!

How to Know If This Masterclass Is For You?



  ✔️You're single and want to find a relationship

  ✔️You feel a bit lost and confused when it comes to dating online

  ✔️You know online dating has potential but find it frustrating

  ✔️You're willing to look inward and ask hard questions

  ✔️You're ready to step into a healthy, loving and lasting relationship


What We'll Cover In This Masterclass

Understand how online dating is a tool that can work for you in dating

Learn 6 research based tweaks to make to your profile right now that will have you stand out, cut through the noise and begin attracting the right people to you today

Discover the #1 thing needed to date successfully online no matter who you are, what you look like, where you live or what you do for a living

Hear from some Women Can Heal clients and community members who took action to implement what I'm going to teach you in this training...

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Hi! I'm Michele.

I'm an Emotional Embodiment Guide and Coach for Women at Women Can Heal and I've learned the art finding love by radically healing and transforming my life over the last ten years. (You'll definitely learn more about my story during the training!)


I know what it's like to try to find love online. While there was so much potential for a love connection I'd get completely overwhelmed by creating the perfect profile, playing the waiting game while messaging and sifting through countless profiles.

Thankfully, there are things I learned to completely shift my online dating experience from negative to positive and made it work FOR me.

No matter what your love life has been like, it can completely change in this moment and you have all the power to do it!

I'm going to teach you how I did that in this masterclass.


I'm looking forward to hearing your feedback on the training!


How to Make 
Online Dating 
Work For You

Not Against You

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